We believe that holy worship is God’s action of gathering His believers together to receive from Him the gifts He has for them in Word and Sacrament. We respond to His merciful action by using the same language of the Holy Scriptures that He has given. Because Jesus Christ and the Gospel gifts He brings through Word and Sacrament are to be the focus of worship (that is, worship is to be “Christocentric” – founded on Christ and His action, as opposed to “anthropocentric”—beginning with and focused on man and his action toward God), our worship takes a particular shape. The worship life of Our Savior has been and will remain scriptural in substance, evangelical in voice, historic and liturgical in practice. To learn more about the topic of worship, please select the “Our Theology of Worship” tab for a more thorough read which has been provided by Pastor Thoma. Additionally, you may download a PDF copy of our Three Articles on Worship (which Pastor Thoma references) from the “Resources” tab.