Welcome to Our Savior Lutheran Infant and Daycare Center!
With Christ as our focus, our program is designed to enrich your child spiritually, socially, emotionally, and cognitively!


Our Savior Evangelical Lutheran Infant and Daycare Center is an integral part of the preaching-teaching ministry of Our Savior Evangelical Lutheran Church and School.  The program is a Christ-centered program.  We proclaim Jesus Christ and share His love and forgiveness as we teach the children and interact with their parents.  Our purpose is to nurture children in the Christian faith so that they will know Jesus Christ as their personal Savior and spread the Gospel to others.  Our goal is to provide a safe, caring, Christian environment where children can grow and experience the love of Jesus.  Through our quality infant and daycare center, our intent is to promote spiritual, social, emotional, physical, and intellectual development of young children.

Our Infant and Daycare Center is designed to:

  • Provide an environment that is caring, supportive, and welcoming where children make choices, have an active voice, and are valued by their teachers.
  • Provide opportunities for children to exercise and develop large and small motor skills.
  • Foster independence and provide experiences for collaborative learning.
  • Provide activities that include quiet and active experiences, indoor and outdoor play, and self-directed as well as teacher-directed activities.
  • Provide opportunities to stimulate the child’s interest and need for exploration while discovering and creating.

Our Infant and Daycare Center is safe and secure:

  • Caregivers are certified in Adult, Child, Infant CPR and First Aid. As well as Shaken Baby Syndrome, Preventing SIDS in childcare and Safe Sleep Practices.
  • Building entry doors are always locked, Attendants remotely open exterior doors via camera system.
  • Secondary floor locks on all interior doors.
Contact us for more information:

Our Savior Evangelical Lutheran Church and School
13667 W. Highland Road
Hartland, MI 48353

Daycare Program Administrator:
Dr. Wendy Hardy
(Ext. #111)