
Our Annual “The Body of Christ and the Public Square” Conference

When it comes to being a strong voice for Biblical truth in the world around us, the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod—her theology and confession—is in the uppermost tier. But there is a very real problem that exists.

Unfortunately, when it comes to precise issues of “Church and State” or “religious liberty,” many pastors and churches exist in uncertainty. In many ways, this is true because so many are fearful of giving offense while shepherding the flock through very important biblical issues that are often highly politicized and divisive. This is also true out of concern for the loss of 501(c)(3) designations, but only because they don’t really know the extent to which pastors and churches can actually be involved in the public debate.

In the end, the topics of Life, Marriage, Religious Liberty (and so many others) are Christological. In truth, the Church owns them, not the world. As a congregation, we desire to host opportunities of great substance that will help God’s people to understand this and to engage accordingly.

The annual “The Body of Christ and the Public Square” event is not a political event. It is a conference. It is an opportunity for thoughtful contemplation and fruitful discussion with tier-one speakers and well-respected experts in particular fields relative to Church and State relations.

The conference typically takes place over the course of a single day. Registration is required to attend and official ID is necessary to enter.

Please note that the members of Our Savior serve as the volunteers and organizers, however, professional security teams and local law enforcement are present and dutifully involved.

If you have any questions about past or future conferences, please feel free to click on the appropriate dated tabs for more information, or you may contact the church directly. I am confident that the conference has and will continue to be of great benefit to all who participate. God bless and keep you by His grace, now and always.

In Jesus,
Pastor Thoma+